Blemish Patrol: 6 Natural Pimple Remedies to Combat Zits at any Age
Beauty, Slider, Style
Just because you survived adolescence doesn’t mean you’re in the clear for acne. In fact a 2012 study published in the Journal of Women's Health found that acne affects nearly half of all women ages 21- 30, a quarter of women ages 31-40,…
Take Control: 7 New Ways to Get Back in the Driver’s Seat of Your Life
Empowerment, Health, Slider
There are things about our life and ourselves that we don’t like; no one’s life is perfect. Some things you can’t change but, many others are just a step or two away—it’s all about knowing how to take control. The Eagles said it…
Smooth Operator: 5 Dry Skin Remedies to Try Now
Beauty, Featured Stories, Style
Winter is here, gone is that tan, smooth, shiny-looking skin that you flaunted all summer long. Now, hidden under layers of wool and thermal underwear is the biggest organ of your body, your skin, begging to be hydrated. So what can you do…
Yes as an Attitude: 9 Tips for Positive Psychology
Empowerment, Health, Slider
It’s fair to say many of us at least try to start the year with some positive psychology. Traditionally, we all make New Year resolutions; we resolve to exercise more, save more, spend more time with the family, etc. Sadly, as the year advances,…
Getting your Z's: 8 Ways to Look at How to Sleep Better
Family Health, Health, Slider
Everyone needs to know how to sleep better for the simple reason that we all have sleep problems from time to time. Stress, illness and young kids all conspire to keep us awake when we should be getting restful, restoring sleep. Exactly how…
Dare to be Aware: 8 Mindfulness Exercises to Flex During Your Day
Empowerment, Health, Slider
We dare you to feel and experience this very moment. Disconnect and go inside yourself. Mindfulness exercises such as these are basically the moment-to-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings and this revolutionary new…
Toning it Down: How to Cut Back on Drinking after the Holidays
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
Suddenly, mid-January sets in and we’re all left with this sunken feeling of cold and loneliness. Gone is the merriness and nuttiness of the November and December months of comfort food, desserts and nonstop celebration drinking. A beer…
Foresight Queen: 15 Brilliant Ways to Preempt Holiday Stress
Family Health, Health, Slider
According to the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR), “The Women's Complete Healthbook, published by the American Medical Women's Association (AMWA), explains that women are socialized to be caretakers. They are expected to assume…
Soak Therapy: 10 Reasons Why a Hot Bath Always Fixes Everything
Family Health, Featured Stories, Health
It’s probably safe to say that everyone looks forward to their next hot bath, but did you know that a hot bath benefits so much more than your hygiene? A great bath can leave you inspired, relaxed and so much more. Between the heat, the…