
8-Sneaky-Signs-of-Stress-That-Show-Up-On-Your-Body-Photo7But while many think they’re offering encouragement, they are actually making things worse. Yes, that person is overweight, and that can put their lives at risk, but maybe they are actually trying hard to keep healthy by actually eating a balanced diet and keeping active. Caitlin Dewey from the Washing Post wrote, “Researchers call this ‘weight stigma’ or ‘weight bias,’ and they say it has far-ranging consequences for people who are overweight. Among other things, it exacerbates depression, social isolation and anxiety and cuts the probability that that person will lose weight. It also doesn’t gel with the current science on obesity, which suggests that the disease is caused by a multiplicity of factors: not only personal choice and lifestyle, but also genetics, health conditions, medications, education, personal environment and economic status.”  Here are 10 ways you can help combat body shaming in our society today.