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My Darling Clementine: 8 Reasons Why We Wish it was Always Clementine Season

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It's that time of year again! That's right, from October to February it's clementine season! Every year we look forward to those picturesque crates filled with those little orange, adorable, delicious, good for you treats. We can thank sunny…

Layer Power: How to Use Them for Ultimate Winter Clothes Chic

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When the first days of spring arrive, and the shedding of clothing begins, a feeling of nostalgia for winter with all its necessary, yet elegant layering inevitably sets in for some. That special kind of dressing ritual, which requires several…

Toning it Down: How to Cut Back on Drinking after the Holidays

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Suddenly, mid-January sets in and we’re all left with this sunken feeling of cold and loneliness. Gone is the merriness and nuttiness of the November and December months of comfort food, desserts and nonstop celebration drinking. A beer…

Lost in Literature: Best New Books 2015

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2015 is upon us and that means we’re getting excited about the latest book releases! We know, nerd alert, but we can’t help but anticipate pouring our hearts and souls into the stories that are yet to come in the new year. Why? Reading…

Deconstructing Kale: 10 New Ways to Think About Kale Recipes

New year means new kale recipes to try. Unless you've been living under a very unhealthy rock, you're most likely familiar with kale, aka the super food that everyone and your mom is incorporating into their diet. Kale is loaded with nutrients…

8 Ways to Think About Fitness this Year

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Embarking on a fitness training regimen and losing weight are two of the most common New Year's resolutions. According to Marist Poll, about 44% of Americans are planning to make resolutions this year and exercising more is the second most…

Souper Powers: Best Soup Recipes Inspired by Latin Flavors

Oh Baby, its cold outside—which means everyone is on the hunt for the best soup recipes. Winter’s cold weather gives us the perfect excuse to stay inside, cuddle by the fire and rely on comfort food for nourishment. If you have happy memories…

Alka-What? Things You Need to Know About the Alkaline Diet

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The alkaline diet, also known as the acid-alkaline diet has been gaining popularity in the past few years. Über-slender Victoria Beckham gets some of the credit for tweeting about her love for Natasha Corrett's Honestly Healthy cookbook.…

Owning the Facts: 10 Reasons to Relook at Your Health Insurance Plan Now

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Are you sure your health insurance plan is exactly what you or your family need? Are you paying too much or perhaps not enough? In the private insurance market, people tend to buy policies that cater to their specific needs. For instance,…