What the Frack? What is Fracking & the Facts You Should Know
Featured Stories, Money, News & Politics
UPDATED June 14th, 2018
Can you answer the question: What is fracking? Although most of us have heard of fracking and know it has something to do with oil and natural gas, that's about as deep as our understanding goes. As fracking in the…

25 Quotes on Immigration: Now & Then
Money, News & PoliticsUPDATED May 4th, 2018
Mamiverse is thrilled to present 25 insightful quotes on immigration. From world leaders to comedians, from Founding Fathers to journalists, immigration has been an issue for the ages. But perhaps never before—certainly…

Hail No!: 15 Astonishing Facts About Climate Change And Global Warming Every Human On Earth Should Know
Money, News & PoliticsUPDATED September 19th, 2017
Of all the current risks to our future and our security, global warming and climate change are arguable the most concerning. Even President Barack Obama agrees that the trends of our warming planet are terrifying.…

10 Discrimination Related News Stories that Prove We Haven’t Really Evolved
Featured Stories, Money, News & Politics
UPDATED June 17th, 2017
More than 50 years after landmark civil rights legislation and countless sacrifices have made equal rights the law, we should be a nation of non-discrimination. The U.S. elected a black president, gay marriage is legal…

10 Chilling Quotes About the Columbine Tragedy
Money, News & Politics
UPDATED June 17th, 2017
On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went on a shooting rampage at their school, Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado. They killed 13 people and wounded more than 20 others before taking their own…

Immigration News: 10 Reasons Why Latinos Must Rise Up to Support All
Money, News & Politics, Slider
Between the Syrian refugee crisis and Donald Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric, immigration news has been front and center lately — stirring up controversy among the 2016 presidential candidates. While all U.S. citizens should support immigrants…

Women’s Rights Are Human Rights: 15 Important Facts About American Women in Politics
Money, News & PoliticsYes, there was a time of women’s rights before Hillary Clinton made her historic run for the presidency. Still, for the first time in the history of the United States of America, there is a female presidential candidate running for office…

12 Things Hispanic People Must Know About Donald Trump
Featured Stories, Money, News & Politics
It’s officially election season, in case you weren’t fully aware of that fact every time you turn on the TV, read the newspaper or pretty much have any interaction with the rest of the world. And as the presidential race heats up, it’s…

How to Elegantly Evade Awkward Political Debates
Money, News & Politics, Slider
The 2016 presidential campaign has sparked more political debate — on screen and in real life — than we've seen in ages. With so much wall-to-wall coverage and so many provocative sound bites from the candidates (one in particular...)…