Opinion columns



A Mom’s Perfect Costume for an Imperfect Halloween

Every fall, I vow to decorate the house for Halloween by October 15. Every year I promise myself to take the kids to a pumpkin patch, buy several pumpkins of different sizes and have a grand time carving them. Of course I want my jack-o-lanterns…

Dealing with Fear of Trick-or-Treaters

It wasn’t until I moved to San Francisco in 1997 that I understood what a big deal Halloween and trick-or-treating are in the U.S. Back then, the notorious Castro Halloween street party was still in full swing. That was the real deal! I…
Florida's Student Assessment Racist

Are New Changes in Florida's Student Assessment Racist?

Last week the Florida State Board of Education passed a plan that would require different achievement goals for students in reading and math according to race. By 2018 the Board wants 92 percent of Asian students, 86 percent of white students,…

Disney's Princess Sofia: Whitewash or Milestone?

Meet Princess Sofia, the newest animated royal to join Disney’s ranks. She is the star of Sofia the First: Once Upon a Princess, a new series to air on both Disney Channel and Disney Junior. What’s just a little different about Sofia,…

Digital Moms: The Benefits of Unplugging

This digital mom took last weekend off from work… There, I said it! I almost feel as if I just confessed a dirty little secret. And it’s not like I spent Saturday and Sunday lounging around by the pool: I organized my clutter, sorted…

A College Heritage

The story of Luis Alberto Juarez, a student at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is nothing short of remarkable. Just 10 years ago, Juarez did not speak English. His mother, Agustina Juarez, fondly remembers his…

Election 2012: Am I The Only Latina Who Feels Like a Pawn?

Am I the only mami out there who feels that we’re being approached a little, um, differently this presidential election than ever before? Kind of like we’ve been the homely girl at school who got a makeover, and now all of a sudden the…

Latinas & the Elections

We are less than a month from the elections and all eyes will be on the Latino vote.  I know you all have heard this ad nauseam for more than three years, but it is all coming to a head now.  This is especially true since the race has substantially…

What Does Romney’s Poll Bounce Really Mean?

After the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney got a much-needed “bounce,” and saw his poll numbers rise to the point that he now appears neck to neck with Barack Obama. While Romney and his team can celebrate a win, the new poll numbers…