Opinion columns



The Importance of Reading to Your Children

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There are many reasons why I read to my kids, even when they can already do it on their own. As a kid, books were my best friends. I was born into a family of writers and linguists, and I grew up surrounded by books and manuscripts. I imagined…

How to Look Good in Pictures: Tricks for Tired Moms

I love to take pictures of my kids. Don’t all moms? Looking at them later on and seeing the children grow and experience life is incredibly rewarding. But it’s also a great way to avoid being in front of the camera, especially if we hate…

Why is My Child Afraid of the Police?

My child is afraid of the police, and this terrifies me. I don’t know how this phobia came about with my 10-year-old daughter. Perhaps it is because she is my third child, and she picks up on a lot of talk from her teenage brothers.…

Will Latino Voter Purges Continue? Only If We Let Them!

As a Latina mother, there is nothing more important to me than inculcating in my children the importance of making sure their voices are heard—whether in the classroom, in sports, in student government, in their jobs, in local government,…

Tips from Peter Walsh to Clean the Clutter & Cut the Stress

Have you ever watched a person on television who has inspired you to become better at something? Peter Walsh, organizational guru and author, is that person for me. Many times on Oprah, I’ve watched him help people change their lives by…

Will Hillary Clinton Run for President?

There is no way to know for sure, but it looks like Hillary Clinton might just be doing it again. She has announced her plans to leave her post as Secretary of State at the end of the year. This would free her up to prepare and strategize…

Affordable Care Act Leaves Out Young Amnestied Immigrants

In June of 2012, President Obama granted temporary amnesty to young illegal immigrants who came to this country as children. This “amnesty” affected approximately 1.2 million undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. before age…

No Wonder Mitt Romney is Losing the Latina Vote!

Mitt Romney already suffers from a political gender gap among the general American population. And a new Latino Decisions Poll that shows the Latina gender gap is even wider. The gender gap among all Americans between President Obama and…

Follow Friday News Roundup: Social Media Conferences

This week was again packed with events and news. Some were sad, like remembering 9/11. Many, including me, were touched by the piece our CEO Rene Alegria wrote on the friends he lost to the tragedy, who were undocumented immigrants and whose…