

The Citrus Gangster: 10 New Grapefruit Recipes to Try Now

Most folks just cut it in half and eat it with a spoon, which is why the concept of grapefruit recipes seems a little odd to some. Grapefruit is healthy, refreshing and incredibly delicious. And sure, it is amazing to eat on its own, but it's…

To Wheat or Not to Wheat: 10 Facts to Help Clarify the Truth About a Gluten Free Diet

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To keep a gluten-free diet or not, that seems to be the question for many. But before we go there, the real question is, what exactly is gluten anyway? And what's so bad about it? The debate over gluten is certainly a hot topic for many of…

The Myth of the Low-Carb Diet Plan: 8 Reasons Carbohydrates Are Not Always Wrong

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For the past decade or so, following a low-carb diet plan has been considered the no-fail way to lose pounds fast. Obsessively counting carbs and fat grams is practically a national pastime at this point—especially during the critical post-holiday/pre-bikini…

My Darling Clementine: 8 Reasons Why We Wish it was Always Clementine Season

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It's that time of year again! That's right, from October to February it's clementine season! Every year we look forward to those picturesque crates filled with those little orange, adorable, delicious, good for you treats. We can thank sunny…

Deconstructing Kale: 10 New Ways to Think About Kale Recipes

New year means new kale recipes to try. Unless you've been living under a very unhealthy rock, you're most likely familiar with kale, aka the super food that everyone and your mom is incorporating into their diet. Kale is loaded with nutrients…

Alka-What? Things You Need to Know About the Alkaline Diet

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The alkaline diet, also known as the acid-alkaline diet has been gaining popularity in the past few years. Über-slender Victoria Beckham gets some of the credit for tweeting about her love for Natasha Corrett's Honestly Healthy cookbook.…

The Super Update: 10 New Superfoods to Eat Right Now

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It seems that every year there’s an even more exotic and new superfood, from the explosion of soy bean benefits to chia seeds’ wonders. Though some  of these dreamy new superfoods get proven to work more effectively than others with plenty…

Rocking the Beet: 10 Beets Recipes that Glorify Nature’s Purple Power Veggie

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Chances are you either love beets or hate 'em. We happen to be lovers, and we've got a ton of reasons (and 10 awesome beets recipes!) why you should hop on board the beet train. Sure, this funny-looking veggie seems like a fast way to stain…

Lemon Aid: 10 Reasons You Should Drink Lemon Water Every Day

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In the past few years the health benefits of lemon water have been gaining a wider audience as celebs and wellness experts have been extolling its many virtues. Starting your day with a warm glass of lemon water can help with everything from…