

Victory: Wendy's Removes Soda from Kid's Meals!

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As a parent, I’m going to face countless battles, big and small, while raising my sons. It comes with the territory of raising healthy kids. I understand that and parent as best I can. However, what gets my goat are the battles instigated…

8 Miso Soup Recipes that Feel Like Healing in a Bowl

If you thought miso soup was a dish you can only enjoy at a Japanese restaurant then good news: you were wrong! You can actually make this dish at home, and it's not nearly as difficult as you might think. If you haven't cooked with miso before,…

Mariner Meals: 10 Seafood Soup Recipes to Salute Right Now

One fish, two fish, red fish, stew fish. Wait, no, that's not right. Sorry, we have seafood soup on the brain, and you can't really blame us. It's cold outside, it's not ending any time soon (damn you Punxsutawney Phil…) and we all need…

Side to Side: 12 Awesome & Healthy Side Dishes to go with Every Entree

Preparing a home-cooked meal is not an easy undertaking, and neither is coming up with healthy side dishes every single night. Forget about the actual cooking (which takes time and patience); the prep work also takes effort and the art of…

Bullet Proof Coffee: 6 Reasons Why People are Putting Butter in their Java

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Want to drink a special coffee that will make you sharper and thinner? Just add butter. Whaaat? You heard right. Devotees of the paleo movement–that high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet–are turning their morning java into a slow-burning,…

Eating for Two: The Sweet Spot Between Nutrition & Moderation on a Pregnancy Diet

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These days most moms-to-be know that a good pregnancy diet involves much more than just eating for two. In fact, a recent Penn State study found that women with the eating for two mentality are more likely to gain too much pregnancy weight.…

Soy, Almond or Rice? Which Milk Substitute is Best for your Family

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No one likes to think about having to choose a milk substitute, but we’re pretty much all on a mission to live better, happier, healthier lives, right? In recent years, cow’s milk has been scrutinized for being unhealthy. This is true…

Paleo Power: Why People Love the Paleo Diet

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If you want to get healthy there are hundreds of diets to choose from. And these days we're willing to bet that you know someone who swears by the Paleo diet. So what is this diet that people also refer to as the caveman diet? Quite honestly,…

Green Machine: 10 Reasons to Consider a Vegan Diet for a Stint

There's no better time than Veganuary to consider test driving a vegan diet. That's right, you don't have to make a lifetime commitment to an entirely new lifestyle to reap the benefits of veganism. For a long-term lifestyle change, the Vegan…