

The million dollar question: how to improve posture. Our mothers always told us to Sit up straight! And they were right. Bad posture can lead to neck strain, back pain, and worse. Not to mention, bad posture can make you look heavier, sleepier, and less motivated on the job. Good posture is also good for you! According to Health Magazine, “Good posture will do more to keep you looking youthful as the years go by than a face-lift or Botox.” Not only that, sitting and standing up straight helps ward off the effects of osteoporosis later in life, improves digestion and circulation.

It’s easy to slip into a literal work slump when you spend all day sitting at a desk, staring at your computer screen so here are 10 ideas for how to improve your posture at work and throughout the day.

1. Strengthen your core.
A strong core helps you sit and stand in a way that is supported and straight. Exercising your core muscles regularly also makes you more aware of how to keep them engaged so that you’re more likely to activate them when sitting at your desk.

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