10 Ways to De-Gorge Your Breastfeeding Boobs
You suffered through morning sickness and months of swollen ankles to produce that perfect little person. So, here’s your first lesson of motherhood—your body and your baby won’t be on the same schedule.
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You suffered through morning sickness and months of swollen ankles to produce that perfect little person. So, here’s your first lesson of motherhood—your body and your baby won’t be on the same schedule.
Despite your best efforts, sometimes life can get crazy. Between stress at work, juggling friends and loved ones, and the constant demands of your kids, life is messy. If you are nodding your head as you read this, you are not alone. So how do we cope? What can we do to take control of […]
We don’t need to remind you it’s swimsuit season. Time for itty-bitty bikinis, crop tops and sundresses with midriff cutouts. If your midsection looks more like a keg than a six-pack, there’s one guaranteed exercise to make your midsection slim and trim—planks. As HuffPost columnist Barbara Hannah Grufferman writes: a plank workout “tones and strengthens […]
The million dollar question: how to improve posture. Our mothers always told us to Sit up straight! And they were right. Bad posture can lead to neck strain, back pain, and worse. Not to mention, bad posture can make you look heavier, sleepier, and less motivated on the job. Good posture is also good for […]
Breathing is the first and the last thing we do in this life. We are so used to this that we really don’t consider think about it. Between birth and death, we breathe unconsciously millions of times. Regardless of your age, your lifestyle, your profession or your environment, the more you concentrate with conscious breathing, […]
Whether eaten out or made with a cherished family recipe, arroz con pollo, or chicken with rice, is a classic Latin American dish. This Latin staple is so hot it’s made its way into popular culture via the Jay-Z song Girls, Girls, Girls: “Arroz con pollo, French fries and crepe/An appetite for destruction but I […]
We’re all guilty of it. The proverbial vicious cycle of working to support your life and trying to find time to enjoy said life while working. It’s our modern Sisyphusian state of affairs—where we somehow always feel like we’re struggling up that mountain of balance, only to get bowled over each time with some monumental […]
We all know a geek. In days gone by they ran the audio-visual equipment at school or set up the announcer’s booth at the football game. These days, however, being a geek means you hold the whole world in your hand. Geeks have become indispensable. It’s the tech geeks who not only set up but […]
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), it is estimated that 9-16% of birth mothers display some form of postpartum depression (PPD). While the symptoms of this enigmatic condition differ for everyone, they often include anxiety, irritability, mood swings and trouble sleeping. Sometimes the symptoms are short-lived, but sadly, they sometimes linger and make the […]