

According to the CDC, diabetes affects over 29 Million people in the United States and approximately 1 in 4 people don’t even know they have it. The number diagnosed increases every year, including 208,000 people under the age of 20 who have been diagnosed with type 1 or 2 diabetes. Hispanics, as well as other ethnic groups, are at higher risk for all forms of diabetes. Since women typically oversee their family’s health, it’s important for them to know diabetes symptoms and to help their families avoid this life threatening disease.

Expectant mothers also should know about the warning signs for gestational diabetes. “Approximately 2-5% of all expecting mothers will develop gestational diabetes; this number may increase to 7-9% in populations where mothers are more likely to have risk factors,” reports the American Pregnancy Association. While each type of this illness is different, diabetes symptoms are all similar. We’ve listed the most common symptoms of diabetes below. This is not intended as a diagnosis. If you recognize the symptoms in yourself or someone in your family, seek medical care.

1. Frequent urination and/or increased thirst.
Diabetes causes a build-up of glucose in your blood which maks your kidneys work overtime. If you yourself having to run to the bathroom more than you used to and often feel parched, you may want to visit your doctor.

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