

It’s one thing when your partner snores you into insomnia, but what if you’re the dragon-person in question? Daniel P. Slaughter, MD tells WebMD, “Snoring can create real problems in a marriage.” We kind of have to agree. Whether it’s your partner’s snoring keeping you awake or your own wood-sawing that happens all night long, we’re loving these 15 recommended snoring solutions.

Now, some of these (garlic) are not for the faint of heart, but you don’t have to try them all…or force your partner to either, for that matter. Take caution and try one or two and see how they work. However, be aware that snoring can cause serious health issues such as obstructive sleep apnea, so if you or your partner are still snoring after giving a couple of these snoring remedies shot, chat with your doctor right away.

1. Tighten Your Zzoma
No, Zzoma is not a fancy new sex toy. This is a belt-like device that you wear around your chest area while sleeping. It works to keep you laying on your side to reduce abnormal breathing caused by positional sleep apnea.

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