

As a parent, I’m going to face countless battles, big and small, while raising my sons. It comes with the territory of raising healthy kids. I understand that and parent as best I can. However, what gets my goat are the battles instigated by others outside my home, the ones that undermine my authority as a parent and force me to become the “bad” parent for the sake of my children’s well-being. No parent should be placed in that situation; particularly by companies that knowingly use pester power for their own gain.

Parents Have a Voice
Our voices are powerful. The sound of a mother’s cry can wake a sleeping child, stop a rebellious one and prevent an accident.  Its power is not in the tone or the sound level. No, its power comes from love. Love moves us to raise our voices. It propels us to stand up when our children cannot. It drives us to move mountains.

Read Related: Feeding Your Kids: 6 Important Views on Child Nutrition

We Moved a Mountain
Sugary beverages, like those previously offered in the Wendy’s Kids’ meals, are prime contributors to a multitude of adverse effects in children, including impairing long-term memory,  increasing aggressive behavior,  childhood obesity, obesity related diseases and dental issues. It’s even worse for Hispanic children, who consume more sugary drinks than the national average!

MomsRising and their members stood up against Wendy’s, a Goliath of the Big 3 burger chains, and won.  Burger King, the last of the Big 3 burger chains, said in an email statement the company is, “currently in the process of analyzing the removal of fountain drinks from our kids’ menu boards.”

Join us as we ask Burger King to step up and do right by our children. We won the right to raise healthy kids. We won the right to have healthy drinks with our children’s kid’s meal, without the marketing of unhealthy ones. We won the right to enjoy a meal, without having a sugary beverage suggested for our child. We won the right to have healthy options listed without having sodas noted alongside them.

And, that is a real win.