

10 Natural Herbs that Make You Beautiful

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Forget expensive skin care products loaded with chemicals, there are plenty of natural herbs that will have your complexion glowing and give you shiny, luscious hair. The best part is that most of them taste good too so you can incorporate…

Strange Fruit: 5 Awesomely Odd Fruits You Probably Haven’t Tried

Sure, an apple-a-day might keep the doctor away, but what about the hundreds of other fruits (even the strange fruit) out there that also deserve your attention? We all get stuck in a food rut from time to time, and it’s certainly easy to…
10 Kids’ Breakfast Cereals We’re Still Sweet On-MainPhoto

10 Kids’ Breakfast Cereals We’re Still Sweet On

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Cereals have always been a part of humankind’s diet. Porridge was a traditional food in much of Northern Europe and Russia back to antiquity, and remains a popular breakfast items in many parts of the world. Native Americans ate corn, or…

Fresh Start: 10 Spring Dinner Recipes You Can't Wait to Bust Out

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Spring has officially sprung so it's time to bust out your best spring dinner recipes. Rising temperatures put us in the mood for lighter, fresher meals. Not to mention the fact that swimsuit weather is right around the corner! Seasonal, locally…

Main Grain: 6 Ways to Do Quinoa Breakfast Recipes

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Quinoa breakfast recipes? Absolutely! This ancient grain and superfood extraordinaire from South America is a great way to start the day. Quinoa was a staple of the Incan diet because it's incredibly hearty and easy crop to grow and it's packed…

Ugh, Winter Poundage: Weight Loss Tips to Fix Things Fast

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Most of us have post-holiday/pre-spring weight loss goals. Perhaps the hardest thing about packing on the inevitable holiday pounds is the fact that mother nature is stacking the deck against us as we're trying to shed them. Cold weather and…

Green Gourmand: 8 Ways to Cook with Sprouting Seeds

It's a common dilemma: your brain is telling you to eat healthy but your taste buds are screaming ICK don't eat that! We're not going to tell you that a diet of chocolate cake, French fries and wine will get you to a healthier place, but the…

Power Player: Immune System Boosters to Try Now

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Cold and flu season is in full swing so we're all looking for immune system boosters and natural ways to keep illness at bay. And every year there's a new miracle supplement that's guaranteed to shorten colds or prevent illnesses entirely.…

Skipping the Salt for a Low Sodium Diet: Using Herbs to Flavor Your Food

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In case you haven’t heard, having a low sodium diet is the way to go. Too much salt in your diet is definitely a bad thing. From increased blood pressure to diabetes, even stroke, consuming more than the newly recommended 1,500 mg per day…