

You want to know how to be a better girlfriend or wife, right? Would you categorize yourself as a giver or a taker in a relationship? If you’ve felt like you gave everything to someone (and ended up depleted afterwards), then you’re probably a “Giver.” When it comes to couple karma, it seems the best way to approach love would be to be a Giver type since supposedly you get what you give, right?  As Psychology Today reports, according to Adam Grant, author of Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success, people fall into three distinct categories: Givers, Matchers, and Takers. Now, while the Giver style has its drawbacks if you aren’t cautious (becoming a door mat for example), Grant says Givers are also usually the most attractive partners.  Givers are also the most likely to have long-term relationships. Why? It’s  probably because the trait a study found most highly valued in potential romantic partners was sheer kindness.