Mental Health, Depression



Family Matters: 10 Things About Birth Order Traits that Will Surprise You

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UPDATED July 31st, 2018  Universal birth order traits aren't just mythology. Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler is considered the father of birth order psychology and his theories are the basis of just about all modern thinking on the subject.…

No-Fear Ninja: How to Conquer Your Worst Phobias

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UPDATED July 31st, 2018  The interesting thing about fear and phobias is that so many people share the same ones. The top five are public speaking, death, spiders, the dark, and heights. We're guessing it won't be long before nomophobia…

12 Reasons Why Failure Builds Character

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UPDATED June 14th, 2018 “Going for broke” means risking it all, even if that means losing it all. Going for broke is a gamble, to shoot for the stars. And as with any risky venture, failure is always an option. Going for broke is…
8 Women Who Famously Went Insane-MainPhoto

8 Women Who Famously Went Insane

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UPDATED June 14th, 2018 April is Stress Awareness Month and all month long we’ve been looking not only at the toll stress can take in our lives and the lives of our children, but how best to manage and beat stress. Historically, though,…

6 Reasons Why Laughter Therapy is the Ultimate Tool for Emotional Survival

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UPDATED June 6th, 2018 They say laughter is the best medicine, and while we’re not sure that laughter therapy can actually ease our menstrual cramps or cure Cancer (wishful thinking), it’s comforting to know that the act of laughing can…
Simple Daily Rituals to Help You Feel 10 years Younger-MainPhoto

Simple Daily Rituals to Help You Feel 10 Years Younger

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UPDATED June 5th, 2018  Raise your hand if you want to feel 10 years younger. Be honest. No one wants to get older. Well, maybe you did when you were 15 and you desperately wanted to drive, be independent, have boobs and buy alcohol. But…

Peaceful People: Non-Violent Communication (NVC) &Why it Works

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UPDATED June 4th, 2018  Do you know what NVC or non-violent communication is? Communicating with others is rarely an easy task. Whether you are trying to get your point across to coworkers, neighbors, friends or relatives, finding the words…
Reverse Psychology and Other Awesome Parenting Hacks-MainPhoto

Reverse Psychology and Other Awesome Parents Hacks

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UPDATED June 2nd, 2018  Raising kids is scary, stressful and exhausting, and anyone who tells you otherwise has never tried to do it. It’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed and totally fatigued by parenthood; in fact, there’s even a…

Biblio-Zen: 6 of the Best Meditation Books to Get You in the Mood

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UPDATED May 4, 2018 One of the most useful tools you can have in your arsenal is a list of the best meditation books. When your day seems overwhelming you have a choice: you can succumb to the stress, or you can find a healthy way to cope…