The Art of Poz Vibes: 20 Quick Tips for Daily Positive Thinking
Health, Inspiration, Slider
Doesn't it always feel like everyone is always advising you to think positive thoughts or have a positive attitude? It’s like we know we should, but somehow or another we tend to slip back into our negative thought patterns, worrying about…
God’s Food: The 20 Hottest Pizza Joints Across the U.S. Right Now
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
Uh oh (read heck yeah!), it’s pizza time. Everyone has one or two preferred pizza restaurants and a favorite pizza: thin crust, extra cheese, deep dish with sausage, the list is really endless. We are actually a nation of pizza obsessives.…
Fast Tracking: 10 Ways to Double Your Salary in One Year
Money, Slider, Work
The economy is getting better but times are still tough. While more people are working, fewer are working full-time in their chosen field and many are working multiple jobs just to stay afloat. The good news is that more and more jobs are…
15 Herbs That Can Help You Kick the Salt Trap
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
When it comes to adding a little flavor to your dish, where do you turn? We’re going to go out on a limb here and guess you reach for the saltshaker—and that it isn’t filled with a salt substitute. And you’re not alone. Salt is a fan…
10 Reasons Why Parents Should Stop Getting Student Loans for their Kids
College Bound, School, Slider
Student loans suck. Collectively, we’ve got the equivalent of a Malibu mansion in student loan debt, so as a whole new generation is starting college this topic hits close to home. Even if you’ve been really good about saving money for…
10 Surprising Facts About Labor Day
Entertainment, Life, Slider
For most of us the arrival of Labor Day is a mixed blessing. Summer is over—along with family vacations and lazy weekends at the pool. That’s the kind of sad part. The good news is kids start back to school, the crisp days of autumn arrive…
Latin Lovers: The 15 Best Online Places to Find Amor
Life, Love & Relationships, Slider
Online dating has grown exponentially since it first went mainstream in the 90s. The latest craze in the world of virtual matching are dating apps as well as online dating sites that cater to a specific demographic. Pew Research says 38% of…
20 Political Debates that Affect the Lives of Latinas
Money, News & Politics, Slider
There are many political issues and debate topics that affect us all, of course, but the lives of Latinas are especially impacted these days. We feel it’s important to keep you informed about issues that affect you and your family so that…
Solar Soul: The 20 Best Places in the World to Take In a Sunset
Money, Slider, Traveling
Sunsets are beautiful and just like every one of us, they come in all shapes and sizes. Finding the best sunset goes beyond the pretty colors and observation of the clouds though. Authors of Fit Souls, Fit Body: 9 Keys to a Healthier, Happier…