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Family Flora Tips on Teaching Kids Gardening-MainPhoto

Family Flora: Tips on Teaching Kids Gardening

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UPDATED March 26th, 2018 Kids' gardening can open up a whole new world for you and the little ones. While you might look at your garden and think about whether everything looks healthy and when flowers and veggies will be at their peak, it's…
7 Bathroom Style Tips For Good Fortune-MainPhoto

7 Bathroom Style Tips For Good Fortune

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UPDATED March 26th, 2018 The bathroom is a sanctuary for most moms. It is a place to retreat to even if just for a few minutes to recharge before resurfacing to face our never ending duties. But it can also be turned into a space that attracts…

A Latina's Journey to Bulimia and Back

UPDATED March 26th, 2018 When I was 16, I was a straight-A student, but I was also a wallflower and extremely shy. I lacked self-confidence and didn't like my looks. Books became my best friends. One day a peer told me I better watch my thighs.…

Paws to Think: 14 Reasons Why It’s Time for Your Family to Get a Dog

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UPDATED February 27th, 2018 Say your little Jimmy has been begging for a dog for months. Maybe Sally gets all worked up every time she passes that pet store in town. October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, and if you’re toying with the idea…
15 Foods to Keep Away from your Dog-MainPhoto

15 Foods to Keep Away From Your Dog

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UPDATED February 22th, 2018 We’re all guilty of it—slipping table scraps and unsavory leftovers to the dog after we’re done with our meal. You know you do it to from time to time, too, even if you’re adamant with your kids about not…

Your Go-To Reggaeton Music Workout Playlist

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UPDATED February 22th, 2018 Take your workout from so-so to sweaty with some hip-shaking Reggaeton music. There's nothing like tunes that make you want to dance for getting revved and pushing yourself to go the extra mile. Reggaeton has the…

Why Diets Don’t Work

UPDATED February 22th, 2018 If you are struggling to lose weight and know firsthand the agony of yo-yo dieting, you are not alone. Millions of women, whether they’re overweight, truly obese or just seeking to drop a few pounds, find…

Weather Warriors: 15 Benefits of Cold Weather

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UPDATED February 4th, 2018 As you grumble about having to face another winter blizzard headed your way, it’s hard to imagine that all that wind, snow, and frigid temperatures are actually good for your health—or that there could possibly…
10 Amazing Mom Heroes Who Inspired The World-SliderPhoto

10 Amazing Mom Heroes Who Inspired the World

UPDATED January 12th, 2018 Moms are heroes by nature! How so? They are genetically predisposed to take care of and protect their offspring. This is due in great part to the kin selection theory, whereby mothers are wired to ensure that…