Kinship Control: How to Trace Your Ancestry and Make a Family Tree
Family Health, Featured Stories, Health
Tracing your ancestry and creating a family tree is a fun, fascinating, educational and bonding experience. Almost all of us have those colorful family stories, passed down through the generations, about being descended from a great leader…
Power Hungry: How to Release Endorphins 10 Different Ways
Family Health, Health, Slider
When you're thinking about how to release endorphins, sex is usually the first thing that comes to mind. Since that's not always an option (sigh), it's a good thing that there are plenty of other ways to get a socially acceptable endorphins…
To Eat or Not to Eat: Intermittent Fasting Results, Pros and Cons
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
Have you wondered about intermittent fasting results? We totally get you. After the nonstop parties and nonstop eating that takes place during the holidays, we’re all looking for a safe and effective way to shed some unwanted pounds and…
Skinny Hack: How to Lose Weight on a Slow Carbs Diet
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
Raise your hand if you have no idea what the slow carbs diet is. Sometimes it feels like there’s a new diet fad for every day of the week. It’s hard to keep up with the different weight-loss trends, and even harder to know what works and…
8 Ways to Get Waisted: How to Get a Smaller Waist
Featured Stories, Fitness & Exercise, Health
How to get a smaller waist—the million-dollar question. “Slim waists have been the mark of attractive women throughout history,” said the U.S. scholar Dr. Devendra Singh in an interview with The Guardian. And these days with cinch corsets…
Is There Such a Thing as Over-Exercising?
Fitness & Exercise, Health, Slider
You work out, you eat healthy and you get enough rest, so naturally, you should be in excellent shape, right? Not necessarily. If you are over-exercising, you could actually do more harm than good. That’s right, it is entirely possible to…
How to be Successful and Map Your Year for Total, No-Nonsense Results
Empowerment, Health, Slider
You want to know how to be successful in the New Year? Be sure to map it out then. Grab some paper and colored markers because your creative brain transcends your logical mind. And since it’s known that humans have limited willpower, giving…
Celebrate National Believe Day! Mail Letters to Santa at Macy's to Generate Donations for Make-A-Wish®: Here’s How to Get Involved!
Christmas is a time for generosity, making dreams come true, and believing that the spirit of the holiday season really can make a positive difference in people’s lives. Nowhere is this power of Christmas more apparent than Macy's annual…
Pumpkin Spice Doctor: 8 Real Health Benefits Of Fall’s Hottest Flavor
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
Pumpkin Spice is hard to escape in the fall. At your favorite restaurant, pumpkin spice the ravioli of the day. At your local coffee shop, pumpkin spice is in fall’s featured latte. At the bagel shop, yep, it’s there too. And at your supermarket…it’s…