

People often overlook the power of a strong and sexy back or the importance of back exercises. We blame celebrities walking around with their washboard abs, making it pretty hard for us to focus on anything but our waists. In fact, there is so much emphasis on toned tummies, that people rarely pay any attention to the part of their body that supports absolutely everything else they do—the back. Without a strong back you won’t be able to stand up straight enough to flaunt those abs you worked so hard to get. Interesting.

Furthermore, your back not only gets neglected during your workouts, it also gets a lot of abuse throughout your day—whether you are hunched over a computer screen (guilty) or trying desperately to carry two way-too-heavy kids (guilty). But things are about to change. It’s time to redirect your focus away from your biceps/triceps/abs/tush for just a moment and instead pay a little attention to your back. These simple back exercises can help you lose back fat and achieve a beautiful, healthy and strong spine—when you’re done, we promise your entire body will thank you.

1. Posture
One of the keys to a strong back is posture. Be aware of it as you sit at your desk, drive your car, walk around your house and chase after your kids. However you spend your day, make sure you do it standing tall lifting your chest and lengthening your spine. Simply by paying attention to your posture, you will hunch over less and will instantly look longer and feel better.

Read Related: 11 Plank Variations to Carve Out Your Abs