Empowerment and self-improvement


Agility Now: 9 Reasons why Flexibility Training Matters-MainPhoto

Agility Now: 9 Reasons why Flexibility Training Matters

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When is the last time you stopped and thought about the merits of flexibility training? When life gets busy there is always something that needs to be tossed to the sidelines so you can focus on what is important. The same goes for your workout—when…

Reasons to to Hang on To Hope in a Negative World

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If you watch the news, you are keenly aware of how horror and anger and vulgarity get all of the press. But all of us have those little stories to tell of weird coincidences or happy encounters that give you a sense of fulfillment and hope. This…

10 Tips to Beat a Shopping Addiction

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For most women shopping is fun. Looking for that perfect pair of shoes you really need for that outfit, a new purse, or just browsing the sales racks and snagging a great bargain is satisfying. The high from making a purchase can be so uplifting!…

Back to Unitasking! The Joy of Doing One Thing at a Time

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Multitasking is the new norm. We check phone messages while we’re in the bathroom, we work simultaneously on making dinner, meeting deadlines and helping with the kids’ homework. With everything that needs to be done—yesterday—how…

March Madness? Turn it into March Happiness!

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There’s a lot of hype about March Madness, and if you’re an NCAA fan (or married to one) you know all about it. But I’d rather think in terms of March Happiness; training mind and body, just as those basketball players train, to remain…

Goal Setting and How to Figure Out What You Want Out of Life

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In a perfect world you would wake up one day during your early years and know exactly what you want to do with your life. But it never really works out that way. It can be hard to know what you really want from your life, and even if you think…

Time Mining: How to Improve Your Time Management Skills

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Some people are born with impeccable time management skills but most of us are waging a seemingly unwinnable war with our hectic schedules at work and at home. Moms have it especially hard—juggling work and kids leaves precious little Me…

Switch it Up: 10 Cool Hobbies that Can Change Your Life

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 If you're coming down with a case of the winter blahs, it's time to find some cool hobbies that will change your outlook on life. Besides being fun—and more productive than just sitting in front of the TV—the benefits of hobbies have…

10 Books on Creativity to Get You Thinking in New Ways

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Oh no, you’ve been staring at a blank canvas or a white page for days now, even weeks, and nothing is coming to you. You’ve got a big deadline coming up and the more coffee you drink, the more agitated and less concentrated you get, and…