
25 Ways You are Getting IT All Wrong

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Sometimes it’s cool to be wrong, right? I mean, Pink does sing, “So raise your glass if you are wrong. In all the right ways, all my underdogs…” And, frankly, who are we to argue? It can be exhilarating and eye opening, really, to…

15 Lessons Your Man Could Learn from Bugs Bunny

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The first Bugs Bunny cartoon, The Wild Hare, appeared on July 27, 1940 and Bugs quickly became one of Warner Brothers most popular animated figures. From animated shorts to feature length TV shows, the ‘wascally wabbit’ has amused us,…

13 Ways to Sharpen Creativity During your Commute

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Was there ever a time in your life that you thought of yourself a creative person? And do you sometimes find that the world around buzzes too intensely with information, making it increasingly harder to get a creative thought in edge-wise?…

Raging Bull: 12 Signs You Might Need Anger Management

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We’ve all had moments of anger. When that knucklehead in the grey Chevy cuts you off, when the “easy assembly” cabinet isn’t, or when you open the fridge in the break room to find someone has eaten your lunch—it’s not unusual to…

15 Facts About a Near-Death Experience

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We know. It’s not the cheeriest convo to get into, but death is something that creeps into all of our minds at some point or another. It’s not always comfortable to talk about these issues but there’s really no harm in opening up and…

15 Ways to Determine if You Need a Life Coach or a Shrink

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Raise your hand if you can’t help feeling like you’re nuts half the time. If you are one of the lucky few who is completely satisfied, in control and happy with all aspects of your life, then kudos. But if you’re like the rest of us,…
15 Ways to (Really) Break Up With Your Ex-MainPhoto

16 Ways to (Really) Break Up With Your Ex

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We’ve all heard the definition of insanity—doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. And when it comes to love, most of us go through at least one relationship like that in our lives, giving it that “one…

15 Ways to Quit Smoking Without a Patch

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Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do. It may even be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do in your life. May 31 is World No Tobacco Day, and we’re all about increasing awareness about this nasty habit, and how to quit…
20 Lies that Addicts Cling to-SliderPhoto

20 Lies Addicts Tell & Keep on Telling

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May 31 is World No Tobacco Day. Most of us know the dangers of smoking—from emphysema to cancer, even premature aging—and yet, a smoker is born every day. It seems that, despite the well known risks and dangers associated with smoking…