15 Ways to (Really) Break Up With Your Ex-MainPhoto

15 Ways to (Really) Break Up With Your Ex-MainPhoto

We’ve all heard the definition of insanity—doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. And when it comes to love, most of us go through at least one relationship like that in our lives, giving it that “one last shot,” despite knowing the relationship should end.We all know it’s hard getting over a breakup and there are a million reasons people give for thinking things will be different, but are they ever truly?

While it’s hard to (really) break up with your ex (for real this time, seriously), in many cases it really is worth it. Ending an unhappy, dysfunctional or not-quite-right-for-whatever-reason relationship helps you learn about yourself, what you want in the future and how you’re going to get it. If you think it’s about that time, here are 15 ways to (really) break up with your ex once and for all. As the incredible Elizabeth Taylor once said, “Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together”—so we can really get this over with.

1.  Face Time
Do it face to face. There will be no misunderstood tone in an email, phone call or text message if you are brave and communicate the old-fashioned way. He or she will know that you mean business just by looking at your face.