Pregnancy and childbirth


Prematurity Awareness Month: Risks and Warning Signs of Premature Birth

Prematurity Awareness Month: Risks and Warning Signs of Premature Birth

According to the March of Dimes (MOD), 1 in 8 babies are born prematurely in the United States every day. Many preterm babies that survive face long stays in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) in order to be treated for serious medical complications.…

Quick & Easy Pregnancy Beauty Tips

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Ahhh, pregnancy…nothing compares to the emotional roller coaster of those nine months carrying your little bundle of joy. Mood swings aside, pregnant women often face a challenge—a beauty challenge. Your skin isn’t the same anymore, you…

Prenatal Yoga Benefits for Baby & Mom

As a certified yoga teacher, I could go on and on about the benefits of yoga. I’ve been a yogini myself for 15 years and I believe wholeheartedly in an active yoga practice. Yoga is especially beneficial during pregnancy and can help both…

New Dad: Surprise! I'm pregnant!

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New Dad: Surprise! I'm pregnant!! Mike’s just chillin’ at his parents house playing some tunes on the old guitar when his wife hands him a little gift. The look on his face when he pulls out the onesie is priceless! For more fantastic…
Belly Dance Fitness for Mamis-to-Be-MainPhoto

Belly Dance Fitness for Mamis-to-Be!

For you mamis-to-be out there, belly dance before and after the birth of your baby has many unique benefits compared to other traditional dance and prenatal exercise forms. This dance is characterized by a series of isolated movements done…

What’s in Your Diaper Bag? 6 Must Haves for Moms-on-the-Go

There are some items we mamis should never leave home without. Personally, I like to have my diaper bag or purse fully stocked at all times. One never knows when both babes will be simultaneously ready to go and I don’t want to be the one…

The Real Struggles of America’s Teen Moms

UPDATED August 1st, 2016 Their faces are on tabloid magazine covers at your local newsstand, and their exploits make for some of MTV’s highest ratings. They’re the stars of 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, and the media treats them like…

Faux Pas-Free Nursing: Feeding Your Little One in Style

The media focuses so much on bump watches, maternity style, and post-baby bodies; however, we don’t see much about fabulous ‘celebrity breastfeeding style’. Yet, I do remember one glorious celebration of lactation. When Mary-Louise…
What No One Tells You About Breastfeeding-MainPhoto

What No One Tells You About Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is hard, really hard. The books, videos, and even mothers who have done it seem to always say what a lovely, rewarding experience nursing is. So often, the difficulties are left out and are only discovered by the poor new mommy…