

Pure Power: Recipes for the Cleanest & Leanest High Protein Foods

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Even if you don't want to go full-on paleo, eating plenty of high protein foods is a healthy way of keeping those unwanted pounds at bay. You don't need to become a raging carnivore either — there are a variety of foods high in protein that…

15 Non-Cliché Recipes with Avocado to Try Now

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Avocados are definitely addictive and they're not a guilty pleasure! There are recipes with avocado for every meal of the day — even dessert — that go way beyond the usual guacamole. Avocados are nutrient-rich and packed with fiber and…

Does Everything Need to Be Organic? When to Splurge on Organic Food

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It would be wonderful to be able to afford to buy all organic food but, as healthy and environmentally friendly as it is, few of us have the budget for it. It turns out that organic versus non-organic isn't always so cut-and-dried. Even the…

Your Non-Fat (or Lower-Fat) Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes to the Rescue

Healthy Thanksgiving recipes? For real? For many of us, just thinking about the holidays makes our stomach start to rumble, getting ready for all the delicious food we plan to eat. Holiday parties, family dinners and sweet treats—all that…

Seaweed Nutrition: 15 Ways to Cook with the Plants of the Sea

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Asian cultures have reaped the benefits of seaweed nutrition for centuries. Lately it's been getting more attention in the West for being the next big superfood. It's an excellent source of calcium, potassium, protein and omega 3s but one…

10 Superfoods you Didn't Know Were Super

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The term “superfoods” certainly gets a lot of airtime these days; in fact, it’s hard to have a conversation about healthy living and balanced diets without also mentioning these foods that seems to have super powers. But there’s a…

From Kimchee to Kombucha: 10 Reasons to Consume Fermented Foods

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Raise your hand if you eat fermented foods. Did you order kimchee at a Korean restaurant lately? If you answered yes, you did your body good. Kimchi, a traditional fermented side dish made of vegetables like cabbage, radish, scallion or…

Why is Everyone Talking About Bone Broth?

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There’s a lot of buzz in the healthy food world about bone broth, which has a lot of people (guilty) wondering why everyone is getting so excited about this liquid dish. Let’s back up. What exactly is bone marrow broth? If you’re anything…

Fungus Among Us: 15 Wild Mushroom Recipes that Always Win

It’s time to take a walk on the wild side, fun-gi (pronounced “fun guy”)—that’s right it’s time for some mouth-watering mushroom recipes. We don’t mean the Alice in Wonderland or Grateful Dead concert kind either. We’re talking…