

Healthy Food Cheat Sheet: How to Not Gain 10 Pounds this Thanksgiving

Healthy food and Thanksgiving don't usually go hand-in-hand. Thanksgiving is the gateway to two months of excess. Followed by four months of desperately trying to rein it all back in. When it comes to keeping those extra pounds at bay, preparation…

Pure Power: Recipes for the Cleanest & Leanest High Protein Foods

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Even if you don't want to go full-on paleo, eating plenty of high protein foods is a healthy way of keeping those unwanted pounds at bay. You don't need to become a raging carnivore either — there are a variety of foods high in protein that…

Healthy Halloween Treats: Tricking & Treating in the Age of Sugarless Diets

Halloween is almost here, which means cute costumes, silly parties, scary movie marathons, and of course, lots and LOTS of sugar.  But, fret not, healthy Halloween treats are out there, and of course there are things you can do to mitigate…

Why is Everyone Talking About Bone Broth?

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There’s a lot of buzz in the healthy food world about bone broth, which has a lot of people (guilty) wondering why everyone is getting so excited about this liquid dish. Let’s back up. What exactly is bone marrow broth? If you’re anything…

Make it Stop: 10 Ways to Combat Body Shaming

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We’ve reached an all-time low as a society and it’s called body shaming. While the definition is open, it’s a type of body shaming that has become prominent on the internet and in real life. One example is being told by an old lady at…

Bottoms Up: The Truth About a Colon Cleanse, from Enemas to Colonics

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There are some things that are generally unpleasant to talk about: politics, religion, money, and pretty much anything having to do with your bowel movements—including a colon cleanse. Add those topics to the growing list entitled “what…

Beyond Green Juice: 10 Reasons You Should Drink Liquid Chlorophyll

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We've been hearing a lot about liquid chlorophyll and green juice lately but celebs have been swearing by chlorophyll water for years now. Way back in 2011, Reese Witherspoon told InStyle it was the secret to her glowing complexion saying,…

9 Weekday Weight Loss Hacks to Rev Up Your Slim-Down

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Raise you’re hand if you need some weight loss hacks to get you through the week. If you ever feel like you completely abandon your healthy habits during the weekend, you’re not alone. According to dietician, Susie Burrell, a recent survey…

Spice Girl: 10 Reasons to Turn Up the Heat on Your Meals with Healthy Spices

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There's been a lot of buzz about healthy spices in recent years and research continues to back it up. Last month The BMJ published a study reporting that, "Compared with those who ate spicy foods less than once a week, those who consumed spicy…