
Now Hear This: 5 Myths to Dispel About Ear Cleaning

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We can still hear it now: “Don’t forget to clean your ears!” our mother would scream. As adults we now know she meant to clean around and behind the ears, not so much scrubbing the inside of our ears, but still, ears were a big focus…

Coping with Dementia Stages or Alzheimer’s in Older Parents

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It’s never easy to get older, and it can be even harder to see your parents age, especially if your parents suffer from an illness or ailment. And while all diseases are terrible, Alzheimer’s and Dementia stages can be incredibly hard…

Back to Basics: How to Make a Website

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Once upon a time, the question of how to make a website seemed like an impossible task only limited to computer geniuses, tech savants and people who spoke in code. And it was kind of okay if you didn’t fall into that bucket because websites…

How to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden You’ll Actually Use

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When you’re whipping up dinner and the recipe calls for some fresh herbs, do you freak out when you realize you don’t have anything close to fresh basil or mint? And a trip to the grocery store doesn’t seem all that realistic when you’re…

5 Life Lessons We Can All Learn from Indigenous Cultures

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Life can get complicated, especially if you get caught up with all the daily distractions, modern sources of stress, and experiences that are often out of your control (but that you try to control anyway). And while there are many perks of…

What's Are Spurtles and Why Your Kitchen Needs One

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Not too many people in the U.S. are familiar with spurtles. but this ancient Scottish cooking utensil has been gaining new fans lately. Why, you may ask? Because everyone's favorite quaint British breakfast food (and the national food of Scotland)…

The 5 Best Sports Bras on the Market

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If you do any kind of workout you know how hard it can be to find really good sports bras. There's a reason! LaJean Lawson, a breast researcher and consultant for Champion Athletics explained to Racked, "There is no piece of clothing that…

10 Passover Meal Recipes Inspired by Latin Cuisine

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If you can't make it to the world's largest Passover meal hosted annually in Kathmandu (believe it or not!) then you better start planning your own Passover feast now! This year Passover begins at sunset on Friday, April 22 and ends at nightfall…

Slick Choice: What Oil to Use in the Kitchen

Have you ever opened your pantry and felt confounded by what oil to use? If you love to cook (or maybe you just love to eat) then your kitchen is likely stocked with all the ingredients you need to whip up a delicious meal. Every seasoning,…