
Hipsters: What Does That Even Mean?

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UPDATED June 17rh, 2017 The term hipsters gets tossed around a lot these days, and depending on where you live, chances are you’ve seen a few walking past you on the street. Or have you? What does it really mean to be a hipster? Does it…

The Chic of Natural Beauty: 10 Reasons why Men Hate Makeup

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UPDATED June 17th, 2017 Many of us fear the idea of natural beauty because, frankly, we are not Gisele. Many of us also know that men are relatively simple creatures. They want to be fed, satisfied in bed, have a fulfilling job and a partner…

15 Reasons to Challenge Yourself Every Day

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UPDATED June 17th, 2017 Challenging yourself daily is a surefire path to success in all areas of your life. For inspiration, take advantage of Go For Broke Day, which is on April 5. The expression “go for broke” means to go for it,…
Top 10 Signs You and Your Ex are Still in Love-SliderPhoto

Top 10 Signs You and Your Ex are Still in Love

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UPDATED June 17th, 2017 Maybe he was a great boyfriend, but things just didn’t work out. Maybe you wanted to get married and he didn’t; maybe he wanted kids and you were content with a few dogs. Maybe he was city and you were country.…
Feeling Puffy? 15 Ways to Beat Summer Water-Retention-SliderPhoto

Feeling Puffy? 15 Ways to Beat Summer Water Retention

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UPDATED June 17th, 2017 Bloating can be caused by two very different things: formation of gas in the digestive tract, or a buildup of excess fluid known as water retention. According to Medical News Today, “Water retention, also known as…

Toxins to Avoid While Breastfeeding

UPDATED June 17th, 2017 Obstetricians are quick to warn pregnant women about the dangers of consuming alcohol, cold cuts, and too much fish during pregnancy. What’s less common is advice on keeping your breast milk wholesome and safe for…

Foul Play: Which Foods Make Flatulence Smell the Worst

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UPDATED June 17th, 2017 Of all the body-related topics that are usually off-limits, passing gas or flatulence (and pretty much anything having to do with your bowel movements) is pretty high on that list.  But guess what, it’s time to…

10 Best Autobiographies by Athletes to Inspire Your Inner Warrior

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UPDATED June 17th, 2017 The best autobiographies by athletes give us a unique window into how true sports heroes develop. Nothing motivates like adversity and though top athletes are blessed with natural talent, most never would have reached…

Tiny Travelers: 9 Different Crawl Styles & What They Say About Your Baby

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UPDATED June 17th, 2017 Crawling is probably the first form of locomotion that your baby will attempt. A big breakthrough in muscular and motor development, being able to move from one place to another will also boost your baby’s confidence…