

Like breathing, many of us take clear eyesight for granted. The eye works tirelessly to bring the world, in all its glorious color, into our lives. As we get older, our eyesight typically becomes compromised and it’s increasingly important to know how to improve your vision. And, just like the rest of your body, it’s never too early to start making your eyes stronger with some care and exercise. Simple steps like diet and proper nutrition go a long way toward preserving your baby blues (or browns, greens or hazels) for the rest of your life.

Everyone knows the saying: The eyes are the window into the soul. Today, we layer mascara on them, we flirt with them, we rub them when we’re tired and we use them for just about every single thing we do. So why not take a closer look at how to improve your eyesight with the following tips.

1. Quit Smoking
You know smoking can lead to heart and lung disease but it can also lead to the development of cataracts (a clouding of the lens) or age-related macular degeneration (symptoms include blurred or distorted vision). If you ever needed an excuse to quit smoking, think of losing your sight and kick the habit.

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