20 Offbeat Birthday Party Ideas for Your Eccentric Kid
Entertainment, Life, Slider
Do you have a weird kid? Many of us do. Find yourself surprised by their choices in music and food? Preferences that surpass your own from time to time? Us, too. It’s because of these kids’ awesome and offbeat nature that we’ve struggled…
20 Reasons to Fall in Love with Uruguay Right Now
Money, Slider, Traveling
Uruguay is the smallest state in South America and, we think, a hidden gem. They celebrate Independence Day on August 25. It was on that day in 1825 that Uruguay declared its independence from the Portuguese Empire. In 2012, it was named The…
Crazy About Mushrooms!
Recipes, Slider, Soups & Salads
This summer I learned that not even the scorching blast of desert heat can keep me away from enjoying a succulent soup. In this case, it was a hearty mushroom soup, which brought to mind my favorite mushroom recipes.
My love for mushrooms…
15 Reasons Why Being Single Doesn’t Suck
Life, Love & Relationships, Slider
Sure, being in a relationship has its benefits. There’s the whole love factor, followed closely by companionship, commitment, support, affection and having a date for every wedding/party/holiday gathering/Saturday night. Plus, you don’t…
12 Ways to Survive the August Slump at Work
Money, Slider, Work
The dog days of summer make us feel like working less. There, we said it. And we’re willing to bet you you’re wondering how to stay motivated at work too. A 2011 Captivate Network study revealed that workplace productivity decreases 20%…
10 Ways Music Will Make Your Baby Awesome
Health, Parenting, Slider
Thankfully, music is one of the forces in our lives that we can always turn to for awesomeness in the form of calm, inspiration, entertainment, emotion and more. The even better news is that music for babies is just as beneficial. As reported…
15 Reasons You Should (at least) Consider Going to Burning Man
Money, Slider, Traveling
From August 25 to September 1, approximately 60,000 people from all over the world will come together in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert (also known as “the playa”) for the Burning Man experience, a festival like no other. The Ten Principles…
10 Unexpected Ways to Serve Peaches
Hosting and Holidays, Menus, Recipes, Slider
Sorry, not sorry—but we can’t help saying we think things are peachy keen in August, and not just because it’s National Peach Month. Peaches are amazing. Whether we’re coming up with new peach recipes, eating them plain with the juice…
Don't Miss a Beat: 15 Facts About Heart Disease & Latinos to Know Now
Family Health, Health, Slider
Heart disease and stroke rank as the number one killers of Latinos in America. Actually, they are the top killers for all Americans, but Latinos seem to be at a higher risk because high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes are running rampant…