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Natural Woman: 4 New Ways to Think About Living Naturally this Year

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For a long time no one ever thought about the importance of natural health. The idea of “going natural” used to be relegated to hippies and bohos, those who willingly gave up chemicals and preservatives, and instead opted for a more organic…

Solo Adventure: 5 New Ways to Think About Being Single

We’ve all had times in our lives when being single seemed like the worst fate that could befall us. But it’s possible to learn how to enjoy being single and realize it isn’t the end of the world. Viewed the right way, it is instead time…

New Beginnings: 7 New Ways to Think About Divorce This Year

We’ve all been to weddings where we just know the relationship is doomed from the beginning. Maybe it was even our wedding! Divorce, once a social scandal for the whole family, is no longer the catastrophe it once was. Nobody wants to go…

Grateful for Gratitude: 8 New Ways to Get You Thinking About Thankfulness

Have you spent the last few weeks shopping for gifts and wrapping the gifts and buying food to serve guests and maybe even splurged on a new party outfit? Then you need to stop for a minute and be grateful that you’ve been able to do all…

Oral History: 7 Oral Health Tips to Follow Right Now

For many of us, New Year’s resolutions include taking better care of our health—well open up and say ahhh, because that means you need some oral health tips, too. Many will hit the gym, many will vow to follow healthier diets and stop…

Money Maven: 6 Budgeting Tips to Get Your New Year Started Right

If there was ever a time for budgeting tips and money help, here it is with the holidays and New Year upon us. The New Year is traditionally a time for resolutions; we resolve to work out more, read more, clean out the junk room and with the…

Classically Classy: 12 Foolproof Makeup Tips that Never Fail

Women hate to admit this, but it takes a lot of work and some excellent makeup tips to look like we do when we leave the house. Very few of us wake up looking like Beyoncé (even Beyoncé doesn't wake up looking like Beyoncé.) The good news…
Ring in the New Year with These 3 Specialty Drinks-MainPhoto

Ring in the New Year with These 3 Specialty Drinks

New Year’s Eve is almost upon us. If you’re looking for some inspirational mixed drinks here are three festive cocktails. You can spice it up, be the bomb or even take the “rich” route. Or if you’re really daring try all three. From…

The Rookie Cookie: 14 Easy Cookie Recipes for the Novice Baker

Raise your hand if you love cookies! We have rounded up our favorite cookie recipes to celebrate sweetest season of the year. Even if you are an inexperienced baker and you don't know the difference between a whisk and a spatula, we've got…