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7 Best Shoulder Workout Ideas

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Tank top weather is right around the corner so you need the best shoulder workout to sculpt a gorgeous upper body now. If you're worried about winding up looking like a linebacker, don't. Even with regular weightlifting, women are unlikely to…

The 10 Best Cooking Shows to Watch Right Now

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There are a lot of cooking shows out there and not enough hours in the day to watch them all. We've narrowed it down to the 10 best cooking shows to watch right now. Enjoy! 1. Chopped • Food Network Chopped is in its 23rd season and still…

Girls Who Code : 10 Reasons To Get Your Daughters Into Tech

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Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code, has helped start an unstoppable movement that just keeps gaining momentum. There are far too few women in technology and, until recently, girls have been discouraged from pursuing higher education…

Here's Why Spring is the Best Time to Reinvent Yourself

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There's a reason why spring cleaning is a thing. As the world comes out of winter hibernation and spring season flowers begin to bloom, so do we. You can approach self-reinvention the same way you approach your annual home reorganization.…

10 Powerful Moving Forward Quotes

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We all fall down; we all make mistakes; we all suffer setbacks and sometimes, we all feel lost and hopeless. The good news is, we also bounce back; we get up, we start fresh, we regain confidence and we learn from our missteps. And that is…

How to Create Good Work Ethic for Yourself

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A good work ethic is key to success on the job (and in life). Much has been made of Millennials' entitled attitude towards work while Baby Boomers are often considered old-fashioned because of their 'it's not really a job unless you're suffering'…

How to Deal with Negative People & Manage Energy-Sucking Friends

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We all get by with a little help from our friends, but what happens when those friends take more than they give? We’ve all had a toxic friend, and knowing how to deal with negative people can be a challenge. Perhaps it’s a colleague who…

Coping with Dementia Stages or Alzheimer’s in Older Parents

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It’s never easy to get older, and it can be even harder to see your parents age, especially if your parents suffer from an illness or ailment. And while all diseases are terrible, Alzheimer’s and Dementia stages can be incredibly hard…

5 Life Lessons We Can All Learn from Indigenous Cultures

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Life can get complicated, especially if you get caught up with all the daily distractions, modern sources of stress, and experiences that are often out of your control (but that you try to control anyway). And while there are many perks of…