10 Ways to Make Money Online
Money, Slider, Technology
Did it ever occur to you that you can make money online? How much time of your day do you spend on the Internet? An hour? Ten? 90% of your waking hours? Whatever the number is, and we’re willing to bet it’s a lot, know that you are far…
The Art of Showing Up for Life
Empowerment, Health, Slider
In life, success doesn’t just come to those who wish for it. Success doesn’t happen when you coast through your day, drifting from task to task with little motivation and zero passion. For better or worse, being gifted and smart is not…
Smart Luggage? Yes, Please
Money, Slider, Traveling
In a world where virtually everything you use is getting a “smart” upgrade (your phone, your TV, your thermostat…), doesn’t it make sense that your luggage stays with the times? After all, traveling can be exhausting and stressful,…
10 Berry Desserts Perfect for Spring Meals
Recipes, Slider
Spring has officially sprung; you have adjusted your wardrobe and your attitude to match the cheerful spring weather...isn't it about time you adjust your cooking as well? After all, spring is all about fresh produce and the most delicious,…
Types of Rice : Red, Black, Brown, White — What's the Diff?
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
Did you know that there are probably over 40,000 different types of rice? And you thought it was just a basic cooking staple! We don't need to delve that deeply into the intricacies of this popular gluten-free grain so we'll just cover the…
15 Diva Gemini Celebrities We Love
Astrology, Life, Slider
Let's take a few minutes to honor some of our favorite Gemini celebrities in honor of The Twins taking over the zodiac from May 21-June 20. There's a reason we call them divas. The Gemini woman is complex, brainy, curious, witty and constantly…
13 Reasons to Hire a Bookkeeper, Like Right Now
Money, Slider, Work
When you're self-employed, or running a small business, bookkeeping is probably not at the top of your list. Bookkeeping is one of those tasks that seems pretty basic on a small scale but you'll be amazed by how much more efficiently and smoothly…
Are You the Kind of Person Who Can’t Take Criticism or Constructive Feedback?
Empowerment, Health, Slider
Generally speaking, we would all prefer to receive constant praise and avoid criticism at all costs. It’s not fun to be told what you are doing wrong or what could be better, and it feels really good to receive positive feedback and compliments.…
How to Engage Both Sides of Your Gemini Man
Astrology, Life, Slider
Dating is hard, and figuring out how to please your partner and work together as a couple can be a challenge for any pair. But if you’re dating a Gemini man, you’re in for an extra challenging task, because this zodiac sign is notoriously…