18 Reasons Prince will Forever be Rock Royalty
Entertainment, Featured Stories, Life
Most of us have heard the tale of how the artist known as Prince’s name came to be. His father says when he chose the name, that: "I named my son Prince because I wanted him to do everything I wanted to do." He, of course, had no idea that…
7 Reasons Men Make Great Sounding Boards
Life, Love & Relationships
What makes a good listener or sounding board? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Sounding Board as: “a person or group on whom one tries out an idea or opinion as a means of evaluating it.” When you use someone as a sounding board,…
20 Oddest Celeb Friendships That Ever Were
Entertainment, Life, Slider
Celebrity news sources like People and TMZ are forever trying to show us the secret life, and the private side of celebrities. Years ago, before we knew where they shopped, ate and hung out all the time, it might have been easier to keep friendships…
'Make Family First' Twitter Party!
Life, This is Wholesome
Now that school is out, there are all other kinds of family responsibilities to contend with - babysitters, camp, classes, and keeping the little ones entertained and busy. Multi-tasking on overdrive! But through it all, there is one thing…
12 Facts About the Summer Solstice You Need to Know
Entertainment, Life, Slider
As the sun spirals in its longest dance
Cleanse us
As nature shows bounty and fertility
Bless us
Let all things live with loving intent
And to fulfill their truest destiny
—Wiccan Solstice Blessing
The summer solstice is June 21,…
30 Famous Cancers We’ll Always Love
Astrology, Featured Stories, Life
Cancer is the fourth sign in the zodiac. People born under this sign are usually focused on being grounded through family and a warm, welcoming home. Cancerians tend to be romantic, sympathetic and protective. They are domestic, warm and love…
15 Reasons Why Summer is a Great Time to Date
Life, Love & Relationships, Slider
Summer typically means awesome weather, lots of time spent outside and shedding both physical and emotional layers. Because of all of this seasonal goodness, we think summer is a great time to date! It’s not just us who thinks so though.…
30 Reasons Why Beyoncé and Jay-Z Still Have it ALL Figured Out
Entertainment, Featured Stories, Life, mamiViews
We’ve been hearing a lot about Beyoncé and her man, the powerful Jay-Z, all because of the little elevator incident (“Elevator-Gate”) with Yoncé’s sister, Solange. Turning back to what’s really important, let’s remember that…
30 Facts About Geminis You Need to Know
Astrology, Life
Does your lover seem two-faced? Maybe he or she is a Gemini. Gemini reigns the Zodiac from May 21 till June 20. Whether or not you believe in it, astrology can be a helpful tool for reading and understanding people. Geminis seem to be an…