Digital Moms: The Benefits of Unplugging
Life, Opinions
This digital mom took last weekend off from work… There, I said it! I almost feel as if I just confessed a dirty little secret. And it’s not like I spent Saturday and Sunday lounging around by the pool: I organized my clutter, sorted…

Election 2012: Am I The Only Latina Who Feels Like a Pawn?
Life, Opinions
Am I the only mami out there who feels that we’re being approached a little, um, differently this presidential election than ever before? Kind of like we’ve been the homely girl at school who got a makeover, and now all of a sudden the…

What Women Said on Twitter About Vice Presidential Debate
Life, Opinions
During and after the presidential debate, Twitter was ablaze with remarks on the lameness of the moderator, with #poorjimlehrer trending all over cyberspace.
Curious as to what women had to say about the moderator and the speakers at…

Obese Latina Mom Mayra Rosales Charged With Murder
Life, Opinions
Mayra Rosales, 31, is fat. She's really, really fat. She's 1,100 pounds and bedridden because of how fat she is. Rosales is the focus of the "Half-ton Killer," a special airing on TLC. Rosales was accused of the March 2008 killing her two-year…

A Friend’s Cancer Diagnosis Hits Close to Home
Life, Opinions
I recently got the news via email that one of my best friends has just been diagnosed with colon cancer. I’m still in shock. My friend is a little younger than I am and has no history of cancer in her immediate family. Due to some minor…

How to Look Good in Pictures: Tricks for Tired Moms
Life, Opinions
I love to take pictures of my kids. Don’t all moms? Looking at them later on and seeing the children grow and experience life is incredibly rewarding. But it’s also a great way to avoid being in front of the camera, especially if we hate…

What’s Next, Arizona? Banning Women’s Studies?
Life, Opinions
Everyone knows that Arizona is the center of the anti-immigrant movement. But not enough people know that it is fast-becoming the center of the anti-intellectual movement too. And just like Arizona’s anti-immigrant laws spread, so too will…

Book Declares 'The End of Men'
Life, Opinions
Have women evolved to an era where we no longer need men? And if the power dynamics have shifted such that women are now more independent and in control than ever before, is either sex better off as a result? These are just some of the questions…

For Latinos, Negative Media Stereotypes Persist
Life, Opinions
A recent poll by National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) indicates that negative media stereotypes about Latinos continue to influence non-Latinos’ views of immigrants and Latinos. In particular, conservative radio and T.V., along with…