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Knocked Up with Knowledge: 17 Key Lessons Expectant Moms Needs to Know

The moment you become pregnant you want to know all about pregnancy. You want to know what is happening to your body, to your baby and what lies ahead. And yet, despite your desire to be on top of the facts, you feel totally lost. Guess what,…

Critical Illness: 10 Things to Consider When Choosing Medical Insurance Plans

Health insurance under Obamacare is in its second year and millions of Americans are heading back to to update their plans during open enrollment. Even if you're satisfied with your existing plan, the White House is encouraging…

Holiday Blues: 10 Ways to Beat Depression this Christmas

We've all heard the warnings about an increase in suicide and depression during the holidays. For most of us, this time of year is all about celebrations, family gatherings and taking time to reflect on the wonderful things we're grateful…

Attention Tension: 10 Misconceptions about ADD in Children to Dispel Right Now

No one loves to talk about ADD in children. Children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) are often called hyper-troublemakers, and when their condition is undiagnosed, they’re often labeled dumb or lazy in adulthood. There is no blood…
Inner Glow Patrol 15 Ways to Radiate Beauty Even When You Feel Ugly-MainPhoto

Inner Glow Patrol: 15 Ways to Radiate Beauty Even When You Feel Ugly

We all wish there was some magic formula for how to be beautiful. Especially on those days when you just feel...kind of ugly. And let's face it, even supermodels have days when they don't feel quite ready for their close-up. It's important…

The Growing Gourmand: 14 Reasons why Your Kid Should Learn How to Cook

UPDATED August 1st, 2016 As a parent you spend much of your life dedicated to feeing your kids. But did you know that cooking with kids is equally important? It's not just about nourishing their bodies but also their minds by teaching them…

Work it Circuit: 10 Awesome Circuit Training Workouts for the Working Mom

Why try out circuit training workouts for women? If you're a working mom then you get almost no time for yourself and you need to blow off steam, stat. Circuit training is perfect if you get easily bored in the fitness arena. What exactly…

Slim Gym: 10 Indoor Fitness Routines to Keep You Svelte Through the Holidays

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The problem: avoiding the Festive 15, aka holiday weight gain. The solution: include aerobic exercise in your winter fitness routine. Yes, we're aware that it's cold out and snacking on cookies while sipping wine on your couch and watching…

The Art of Vitality: 15 Key Lessons on Being Healthy

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Being healthy is tough in this world of fast food and convenience everything. From remote controls to pizza delivery, we’re up against a lot in our quest to be the healthiest version of ourselves possible. Being active and eating well are…