8 Ways to Think About Fitness this Year
Fitness & Exercise, Health, Slider
Embarking on a fitness training regimen and losing weight are two of the most common New Year's resolutions. According to Marist Poll, about 44% of Americans are planning to make resolutions this year and exercising more is the second most…
Alka-What? Things You Need to Know About the Alkaline Diet
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
The alkaline diet, also known as the acid-alkaline diet has been gaining popularity in the past few years. Über-slender Victoria Beckham gets some of the credit for tweeting about her love for Natasha Corrett's Honestly Healthy cookbook.…
Lemon Aid: 10 Reasons You Should Drink Lemon Water Every Day
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
In the past few years the health benefits of lemon water have been gaining a wider audience as celebs and wellness experts have been extolling its many virtues. Starting your day with a warm glass of lemon water can help with everything from…
Set it Straight: 10 Ways to View the Importance of Goal Setting
Empowerment, Health, SliderIn the game of life, success comes from a combination of skill and motivation, the latter of which starts with goal setting. You can't have one without the other, meaning that even if you are incredibly gifted, without proper direction and drive…
Muscle Hustle: 15 New Strength Training Workouts for Superwoman
Fitness & Exercise, Health, Slider
Many women don't even consider bodybuilding workouts when looking for ways to tone up and shed pounds. Cardio has always been the go-to for weight loss and most ladies worry that strength training will bulk them up and minimize their feminine…
Natural Woman: 4 New Ways to Think About Living Naturally this Year
Family Health, Health, Slider
For a long time no one ever thought about the importance of natural health. The idea of “going natural” used to be relegated to hippies and bohos, those who willingly gave up chemicals and preservatives, and instead opted for a more organic…
Best of the Breast: 6 New Ways to Get You Thinking About Breastfeeding Now
Featured Stories, Health, Parenting
Breast milk is the best food for your new little one. Breastfeeding provides more than just nourishment; it’s a time for mother and child to bond in a very special way. You will receive instructions in the hospital on breastfeeding techniques…
Freshman Parenting: 15 Key Lessons Every New Mom & Dad Should Know
Featured Stories, Health
If you're expecting, you know it can seem like everyone has advice for new parents and vital pearls of wisdom that will make you the best mom and dad in the world. Having your first baby is one of the most thrilling and terrifying undertakings…
Grateful for Gratitude: 8 New Ways to Get You Thinking About Thankfulness
Health, Slider
Have you spent the last few weeks shopping for gifts and wrapping the gifts and buying food to serve guests and maybe even splurged on a new party outfit? Then you need to stop for a minute and be grateful that you’ve been able to do all…