Green Machine: 10 Reasons to Consider a Vegan Diet for a Stint
Health, Slider
There's no better time than Veganuary to consider test driving a vegan diet. That's right, you don't have to make a lifetime commitment to an entirely new lifestyle to reap the benefits of veganism. For a long-term lifestyle change, the Vegan…
Technically Ripped: 10 New Fitness Apps that Are Changing Bodies
Health, Slider
The people have spoken: fitness apps are here to stay and, as they continue to gain popularity, you've got more and more options for every interest and fitness level. As the Chicago Tribune recently reported: "The gym of the future is no gym…
Youth Truth: 8 Ways to Think About Teen Parenting This Year
Featured Stories, Health, Parenting
Ahh, teen parenting—fair to say it’s no picnic sometimes, right? Little kids, little problems; big kids, well you get the idea. Those sweet little kids you’ve been raising, the ones that cuddle for a bedtime story and hold your hand…
To Wheat or Not to Wheat: 10 Facts to Help Clarify the Truth About a Gluten Free Diet
Diet & Nutrition, Featured Stories, Health
To keep a gluten-free diet or not, that seems to be the question for many. But before we go there, the real question is, what exactly is gluten anyway? And what's so bad about it? The debate over gluten is certainly a hot topic for many of…
The Myth of the Low-Carb Diet Plan: 8 Reasons Carbohydrates Are Not Always Wrong
Diet & Nutrition, Featured Stories, Health
For the past decade or so, following a low-carb diet plan has been considered the no-fail way to lose pounds fast. Obsessively counting carbs and fat grams is practically a national pastime at this point—especially during the critical post-holiday/pre-bikini…
Friend or Foe: 8 Ways to Know if Your Kids' Peer Influence is Good or Bad
Featured Stories, Health, Parenting
Peer influence is a concern for moms as soon as kids are participating in social activities on their own. Sorry moms, that starts well before adolescence. Of course, when your kids are very young, you are there for most social events like…
My Darling Clementine: 8 Reasons Why We Wish it was Always Clementine Season
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
It's that time of year again! That's right, from October to February it's clementine season! Every year we look forward to those picturesque crates filled with those little orange, adorable, delicious, good for you treats. We can thank sunny…
Toning it Down: How to Cut Back on Drinking after the Holidays
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
Suddenly, mid-January sets in and we’re all left with this sunken feeling of cold and loneliness. Gone is the merriness and nuttiness of the November and December months of comfort food, desserts and nonstop celebration drinking. A beer…
Winter Wonder Woman: 10 Winter Exercises that Keep you Fit
Featured Stories, Fitness & Exercise, Health
When the temperatures drop it's a good time to hibernate and become best friends with your couch and your DVR, right? Wrong! It's time to find some awesome winter exercises. Yes, the weather might be brisk and it will most certainly take a…