9 Weekday Weight Loss Hacks to Rev Up Your Slim-Down
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
Raise you’re hand if you need some weight loss hacks to get you through the week. If you ever feel like you completely abandon your healthy habits during the weekend, you’re not alone. According to dietician, Susie Burrell, a recent survey…
Sugar’s Healthy Pal: 9 Surprising Benefits of Cinnamon
Diet & Nutrition, Featured Stories, Health
Did you know about the benefits of cinnamon? Aside from its long history of sweetening up breakfasts, cinnamon, which is derived from tree bark, has been used for medical purpose for thousands of years. Today alternative medicine continues…
12 Resilience Quotes Perfect for Dealing with any Crisis
Empowerment, Health, Slider
Everyone needs a pick-me-up sometimes, and they often come in the form of resilience quotes. Life isn’t always easy, in fact, sometimes it can be downright brutal. Sometimes things don’t go your way, sometimes you are faced with unexpected…
Mission Nutrition: How to Make Sure Your Kid Eats a Healthy School Lunch
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
As kids head back to school, moms know how important it is to make sure they're getting a healthy school lunch and nutritious snacks every day. For added incentive, September is also National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. Luckily, since…
Spice Girl: 10 Reasons to Turn Up the Heat on Your Meals with Healthy Spices
Diet & Nutrition, Featured Stories, Health
There's been a lot of buzz about healthy spices in recent years and research continues to back it up. Last month The BMJ published a study reporting that, "Compared with those who ate spicy foods less than once a week, those who consumed spicy…
10 Reasons why You Should Sign Up for Adult Hip Hop Classes
Fitness & Exercise, Health, Slider
If you’re in the mood to dance, get fit and bust out some fresh moves next time your with your home girls in a club, then freestyle your way over to your nearest gym for some adult hip hop classes. The high-energy movements of a hip hop…
Rude People : 10 Ways You Probably Don't Realize You're Not Being Nice
Family Health, Featured Stories, Health
Some days it feels like we're completely surrounded by rude people from the moment we step out the door. The morning commute alone brings out the worst in just about everyone — not a great way to start the day. In fact, a recent University…
Game Changers: 10 New Self Help Books to Inspire Your Personal Revamp
Empowerment, Health, Slider
It’s a new month and a new day, which means it’s a great time for a fresh start. And nothing can inspire, motivate and educate quite like great self-help books. Luckily, there are tons of new texts out there to help you become your best…
Don't Fear the Tears: 10 Awesome Things About People Crying
Empowerment, Health, Slider
No one likes to see people crying. Crying generally signifies pain, grief or anger and it's hard to see someone hurting. Even happy tears can be uncomfortable to witness. Tears can also be contagious and most of us hate crying in public even…