The Subtle Art of Choosing a Personal Trainer
Featured Stories, Fitness & Exercise, Health
You want to get fit, you want to look and feel your best, and you’re willing to put in the work. So what’s next? If you really want results, sometimes you need to enlist the help of a personal trainer who will be totally dedicated to helping…
Everything You Need to Know About Power Plate Fitness
Featured Stories, Fitness & Exercise, Health
The Power Plate has been around for 15 years and the concept of whole body vibration goes back even farther. PlateFit, a gym designed entirely around Power Plate workouts, recently opened in LA and it's reignited the whole body vibration craze.…
Is Spicy Food Good For You? 12 Health Benefits
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
Is spicy food good for you? Yes, it is! It's not only delicious, it may even help you live longer. According to a recent study, "Eating spicy food more frequently as part of a daily diet is associated with a lower risk of death. The association…
Danger Zone: 5 Toxic Chemicals You Need to Drop from Your Life
Family Health, Featured Stories, Health
We are learning more about how many toxic chemicals we're exposed to in our daily lives and their effect on our bodies — short-term and long-term — is truly frightening. Moms everywhere have been both horrified by the scope of Flint, Michigan's…
7 Best Shoulder Workout Ideas
Fitness & Exercise, Health, SliderTank top weather is right around the corner so you need the best shoulder workout to sculpt a gorgeous upper body now. If you're worried about winding up looking like a linebacker, don't. Even with regular weightlifting, women are unlikely to…
The Unsung Spice: In Defense of White Peppercorns
Diet & Nutrition, Featured Stories, Health
Salt and pepper are two of the most widely used, most commonly found and most recognized spices in the world. Every restaurant, every super market, even fast food joints and airport concession stands are armed with salt and black pepper. But…
8 Foods that are Great for Bone Health
Diet & Nutrition, Featured Stories, Health
You are what you eat and that's especially true when it comes to bone health. That means, eating foods with plenty of calcium, which is essential for maintaining strong, healthy bones. Though post-menopausal women are known to have a high…
Here's Why Spring is the Best Time to Reinvent Yourself
Health, Inspiration, Slider
There's a reason why spring cleaning is a thing. As the world comes out of winter hibernation and spring season flowers begin to bloom, so do we. You can approach self-reinvention the same way you approach your annual home reorganization.…
10 Powerful Moving Forward Quotes
Empowerment, Health, Slider
We all fall down; we all make mistakes; we all suffer setbacks and sometimes, we all feel lost and hopeless. The good news is, we also bounce back; we get up, we start fresh, we regain confidence and we learn from our missteps. And that is…