Foul Play: Which Foods Make Flatulence Smell the Worst
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
UPDATED June 17th, 2017
Of all the body-related topics that are usually off-limits, passing gas or flatulence (and pretty much anything having to do with your bowel movements) is pretty high on that list. But guess what, it’s time to…
Tiny Travelers: 9 Different Crawl Styles & What They Say About Your Baby
Health, Huggies at Costco!, Parenting
UPDATED June 17th, 2017
Crawling is probably the first form of locomotion that your baby will attempt. A big breakthrough in muscular and motor development, being able to move from one place to another will also boost your baby’s confidence…
10 Ways to Sweeten Lemonade Without Using Sugar
Colgate Total Health, Diet & Nutrition, Health
UPDATED June 17th, 2017
Summer is here and with it, everyone’s favorite summertime staple: lemonade. Lemonade is a healthy beverage, considering the importance of proper hydration and the detoxifying benefits of lemon, with its high contents…
Celebrating Flan: A History of the Beloved Latin Dessert (Plus 4 Great Flan Recipes)
Diet & Nutrition, HealthUPDATED June 17th, 2017
While many consider flan the quintessential Latin-American dessert, the first recipes actually hail from Ancient Rome, nearly two thousand years ago. The Romans were the first to domesticate chickens, and needed ways…
Do You Fidget Too Much? 5 Ways to Make Yourself Stop
Empowerment, Health, Slider
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get accustomed to a constant state of motion. We’re always doing something, often multi-tasking, and rarely do we get to just sit still. Which is exactly why when we’re not occupied with some…
How to Stop Being Lazy and Ignite Your Spring Detox Cleanse
Diet & Nutrition, Health, Slider
Come out of hibernation this spring with a detox cleanse for a fresh, revitalized new you! Sounds amazing right? Unfortunately, it can be hard to break out of the winter comfort food on the sofa groove. Most of us immediately think of a juice…
Parenting by Talking to Your Children Like They're Adults
Featured Stories, Health, Parenting
In the past few years there's been a backlash to helicopter parenting that advocates treating children like adults. Celebs like Penelope Cruz and Tobey Maguire have embraced Resources for Infant Educarers or RIE parenting. Former White House…
Cheese Nutrition: The 7 Healthiest Ones to Enjoy
Diet & Nutrition, Featured Stories, Health
Oh cheese, how we love you so. We love you on pizza, we love you on pasta, we love you for a snack or for breakfast or literally any time of day in any context. You are creamy and salty and delicious and we adore you. But unfortunately, you…
How to Choose Words that Empower You
Empowerment, Health, Slider
We’ve all heard that actions speak louder than words, but let’s not underestimate the power that words have over our life. The power to empower. After all, words can inspire you, they can make you smile, they can make you think and they…