25. Under Half of Women Have Mastectomies
According to a JAMA Surgery study, only about 42 percent of women who undergo a mastectomy choose to have reconstructive surgery,
26. Don’t Skip Your Mammograms, Especially After 40
One-size-fits-all type screenings may not enough. Talk with your physician to evaluate your personal risk. The American Cancer Society continues to recommend yearly mammograms beginning at age 40.
27. Second Opinions Are Crucial
If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, a second opinion could save your life. NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers, such as City of Hope, have higher rates of survival as they offer expert advice on awareness and treatment.
28. Repeat cases are common once cancer is detected
If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, you’re up to four times more likely to develop a new cancer in the same breast or in the other breast.