The Power of NOW: How to Lose Weight Fast for Summer-MainPhoto

The Power of NOW: How to Lose Weight Fast for Summer-MainPhoto

UPDATED May 19, 2018

How to lose weight fast—the million dollar question many of us face each day. You eat well and you exercise, and yet, despite all your best efforts you are still holding on to those pesky five pounds you’ve been trying to ditch all year. Sound familiar? We’ve all been there. Perhaps you are smuggling a little excess winter weight or you recently had a baby, or maybe you’re dealing with a major life change (which led to a change in your weight)…whatever the reason, if you’re fighting hard to drop those last few LBs, now is your time. And good news: you don’t need to take any drastic measures to make this happen.

First, let’s address the muffin-top in the room: why is it so freakin’ hard to lose those last 5 pounds? The sad truth is that your body is actually fighting against your efforts (no it’s not all in your head). According to James Rippe, a cardiologist and co-author of the Weight Watchers book Weight Loss That Lasts, “your body does resist you when you are trying to lose weight. It gets used to a certain weight over a long period of time and then will defend that weight.” Great; as if we didn’t have enough obstacles to conquer in the weight-loss battle. The good news is that as long as your goals are realistic and you are willing to work for it, you can shed those annoying five pounds for summer. All you need to do is make some adjustments to your daily routine and commit to the process if you want to lose weight fast.

Read  Related: 20 Tips on Combining Food that Will Help You Lose Weight