In Their Shoes-How Volunteering Helps Build Empathy for Others-MainPhoto

A TECHO Volunteer Shares Her Journey #Colecta #TECHOus-MainPhoto

Instead of vacationing at a five star beach resort in the Caribbean, why not travel to a place such as Haiti, with a volunteer organization? Bloggers4Haiti do just that and then share online the stories of those they’ve helped. That way you know firsthand the living conditions and also the challenges, dreams and aspirations of those your donations are helping. I recently bought some bracelets sold by Heart Of Haiti and since I’ve seen the artisans at work in person, I really feel I’ve made a difference, however small, by purchasing their art.

It is really as simple as allowing yourself to experience the struggle of those you are offering your time, energy and perhaps money, to help. Volunteering can provide a crash course in empathy, especially during the holidays.