

Teacher Bullies 10-year-old Student with Autism

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This father took the extreme measure of wiring his 10-year-old son, Aiken Chaifetz, who has autism, after getting notes from school about how his boy was having violent outbursts and hitting his teacher and aide. Knowing his son as a non-violent,…

Becoming a Special Ed Teacher

Me, a Special Ed teacher? I’ve never been a patient person. Not at almost 34 and definitely not at 22. Yet, after graduating from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, I took a profession where patience, understanding and even more…

How To Advocate For Your ADHD Child in School

Raising an ADHD child is not easy. But advocating for your ADHD child in school falls squarely under parental responsibility, therefore, the sooner you figure out how to be your child’s biggest advocate, the better off your child will…

Childhood Food Allergies, Autism, and Halloween

As Halloween approaches, bags and bags of candy line the shelves of every store I walk into. Most of the brightly colored packages holding sweet treats my little boy could never even taste—treats that look innocent enough, but because of…

5 Facts About Dyslexia

According to The International Dyslexia Association, “dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and…

Learning from a Child With Dyslexia

Curly-headed, with big, expressive brown eyes, Amelia was a late-in-life baby, an only child who, in the opinion of her adoring parents, was destined for greatness. When she began Pre-K, my husband and I had big dreams that her little school…

My Perfect Son Has Autism

“He can’t talk, but I think he is a genius!” “Really? How so,” she asked, hesitantly. I could hear my voice quiver as my nerves drove speed into my words. I felt the need to compensate for each concern I had about my son’s…