This father took the extreme measure of wiring his 10-year-old son, Aiken Chaifetz, who has autism, after getting notes from school about how his boy was having violent outbursts and hitting his teacher and aide. Knowing his son as a non-violent, happy child, Stuart Chaifetz suspected something had to be triggering those outbursts. What he heard on the recording was his son being yelled at and told to shut up. He was referred to as a “bastard.” The Cherry Hill, NJ, school district has since taken action against the teacher and aide. “I want to assure our parents that the individuals who are heard on the recording raising their voices and inappropriately addressing children no longer work in the district and have not since shortly after we received the copy of the recording,” Superintendent Dr. Maureen Reusche told the Board of Education on April 24, according to a post on the Cherry Hill Public Schools website.  For more videos and content, visit Mamiverse!