Kitchen, Cooking, Recipes



Mario Lopez's Chicken Enchiladas

Editor's Note:  Here's a healthy, delicious version of Chicken Enchiladas, Mario Lopez Style...perfect for celebrating the upcoming Hispanic Heritage Month!  Read Related:  Mario Lopez's Quinoa Stuffed Peppers CHICKEN ENCHILADAS Serves:…

Spicy Corn on the Cob (Elotes)

I’m a huge fan of the street food found all over Mexico and have been known to just wander, filling up all day without setting foot in a restaurant. Even street vendors in Los Angeles sell corn freshly roasted, slathered in mayonnaise, and…
Tips for Pressure Cooking & My Recipe for Carne con Papa-MainPhoto

Tips for Pressure Cooking & My Recipe for Carne con Papa

I shared the essence and basic cooking nature of making sofrito in my last article. I also mentioned, in different words, how pressure-cooking was an act of thorough technique, reserved for the expert. I finally became one and hope to entice…

“Despicable Me” Movie Salsa Recipe

Editor’s Note: Summertime is a great time to enter a nice, cool movie theater and enjoy the latest films. Here, a summer release includes some delicious Latino flavors...enjoy! Chef Isa Souza, created this salsa recipe to celebrate the…
Chile Primer Series II-MainPhoto

Chile Primer Series II: Mulato, Chipotle & Chile de Árbol

Dried chiles are easy enough to use in Mexican cooking—the difficult part is recognizing what makes each individual chile unique. To that end, here’s part two of our Chile Primer. The first article covered the ancho, guajillo and pasilla.…
Guacamole Burger Sliders with Tostones-MainPhoto

El Hamburger: Guacamole Burger Sliders with Tostones

Editor’s Note: May is National Hamburger Month... Enjoy! In Puerto Rico, where I am from, there is a delicious trend! They make what are called Sandwiches de Platano. Basically they put everything, from steak to roast pork between two…
Chicken Tacos 2 Ways-MainPhoto

Chicken Tacos 2 Ways: With Green Tomatillo or Red Chipotle Sauce

I enjoy hosting Sunday family dinner. The entire familia together enjoying a meal. But of course when the family gets together there is sure to be choices.  A DOUBLE TAKE ON TACOS Like with any gathering I host there…

5 Power Salads That Rule!

Editor’s Note: The following article is one in a series of pieces inspired by spring being a time to take charge of our health. They all include tips for being fit, eating right and feeling healthy, brought to you by Colgate. Let’s ToneUP…

Steak Tostadas Your Kids Will Love

If the tweens had it their way, taco night would be every night. The same ground beef tacos with all of the toppings over and over again. I love to cook and use it as my creative outlet. But just like no artist creates the same painting more…