

9. Make sure that they know the different parts of the SATs.
Currently the SAT consists of three sections: Math, Writing and Critical Reading. Each of these three sections has a possible score of 800 points, resulting in a maximum score of 2,400. Note, this is different from when many of us were taking the SAT’s (a LONG time ago) and there were only two sections and a maximum score of 1,600. And apparently things will soon change again. On March 5, 2014, it was announced that the College Board plans to redesign the SATs to revert back to a two section, 1,600-point scale.

10. Make sure that your child knows the timing.
One of the hardest parts of the SATs for many kids is working within specific time constraints and working for a long period of time with few breaks. Currently, the entire SAT exam lasts for 3 hours and 45 minutes and is broken into 10 sections of varying lengths.