6. Good For Your Heart
According to Health.com a Penn State study found that a diet rich in spices, like cinnamon and turmeric, helped curb the negative effects of eating a fatty meal. Blood samples drawn after meals revealed that in addition to 13% higher blood antioxidant levels, the spices reduced triglycerides by about 30%.
7. Clove-Cinnamon-Combo Boosts Insulin Activity
Either of these are good for you, but together (as they exist in pumpkin spice) they have a powerful one-two punch. For those with high cholesterol levels, findings also show that cloves, alongside cinnamon, may boost insulin activity and lower cholesterol levels. “If you can improve insulin function the cholesterol goes down, triglycerides go down, glucose goes down, and all this goes towards the alleviation of type 2 diabetes,” said Richard A. Anderson, a research chemist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Beltsville, Md.