

Doesn’t it always feel like everyone is always advising you to think positive thoughts or have a positive attitude? It’s like we know we should, but somehow or another we tend to slip back into our negative thought patterns, worrying about this or that, beating ourselves up for one thing or another. Ultimately, no matter how clichéd or trite it may seem, we can’t deny the power of a positive attitude.

Banishing negative thoughts and maintaining a more positive outlook has actually been shown to improve immunity, lower stress, lessen depression, lower cardiovascular disease risk and make you a happier person overall, even when times aren’t so great. Anne Frank is a prime example of the art of staying positive. She poetically wrote in her diary, “I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.” September 13 is Positive Thinking Day. We’re celebrating the power of poz vibes by giving you 20 quick tips for thinking positive on a daily basis. Think of it as a gentle boot camp for your soul.

1. Meditation
Research has shown
that regular meditation has been proven to give you a more positive attitude in life. If you can’t find time at the start of end of your day, just fit it in when you can. Even a few minutes of peace and focus can give you great benefits.

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